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Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold…A Popular Song

We all carry a spark of divine within us. Find that spark within you. Do the same with someone you love. Appreciate it. Our work is to grow this spark into a flame. We can use this to help our-self, acknowledge the basic goodness in each other, even in the midst of conflicts. Conflicts are inevitable in life. It is a natural part of life!

Our different natures, past experiences and outlooks makes us look vulnerable with our loved ones. We can use conflict as an opportunity to learn and grow. Our families and friends are usually our intimate partners, who know our strengths and weaknesses hence first set of people to develop conflicts with. You need to consider the person you are in conflict with as your teacher. Ask yourself what lesson you have learned from the conflict. What new skills or attitudes are you developing? What quality of character are you strengthening? How can you grow from this conflict?

The greater the threat, the greater the lesson. Embrace the lesson; take it as a gratitude gift. We can help ourselves and each other by accepting the basic goodness, even in the midst of conflict. By relating to the basic goodness in both ourselves and our conflict partners, we can change the behavior while feeling valued and appreciated. Conflicts are the seed for learning our most important lessons about love and life. Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more. (Proverbs 9:9)