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It Take A Community

A greedy and grasping person destroys community (Prov 15:27). You create a community by paying attention to those around you, learning how to connect with each other and raw materials all around you. Even though, creating a community can sound like a utopian dream a times but community can be a supportive environment where we all share a common resources, goals, and enjoy diversity of people who enrich our lives. We can create our own community of family and friends while celebrating the meaningful moments of life together either be birthday, wedding showers, memorial weekends, Fourth of July picnic, Thanksgiving and Christmas parties.

Our workplace can act as one form of a community where we share common goals and interests. Our Neighborhood can be communities where we often mingle with other people . Likewise, we can also feel connected to greater communities of city, state, and country. During crisis periods, communities can be created to meet peoples needs or address trouble. Sporting activities like playing soccer or basketball can lead to creation of temporal community to cheer the home team to win.

Our community can also serve to stretch our faith and challenges us as we become more mature in age and wisdom. We need to laugh with friends when they’re happy, share tears with them when they’re down. Get along with each other: don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies: don’t be the great somebody ( Rom12: 15-16 paraphrased). When we are open, supportive, patient, kind, encouraging, we can become a center around which a community happens.

George MacDonald remarked that, ”Your neighbor is that man or woman who is next to you at the moment, the man or woman whom any business has brought you into contact with. You don’t have to live in a small town or idyllic world to create a community. Our community can meets our social needs. We all need to be generous with praise and cautious with criticism, respect our differences and seek to find common interests in creating a warm, supportive community. It takes a community!