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The Passion of Fatherhood

Okun Magazine’s CEO, publisher and editor-in-chief encountered and observed an interesting episode in a family’s activities during the past weekend. Mr. Shola Salako and his three sons had gone skiing for the first time at the Mt. Brighton Ski Resort in Brighton, Michigan, and he had shared his thoughts and experiences on his social media page. We think it is an interesting experience worth emulating in our community, and our publisher had a conversation with Mr. Salako about his lifestyle.

Mr. Salako shared his deep passion for being a great hero to his sons. It is one of his most worthy ideals in his lifetime. During the birth of his oldest son, he had experienced a new “calling” and responsibility to be the best example that he could be to his family.

Here is how Mr. Salako described the experience in his own words: “It happened right there in the labor room. My son was born and he held my little finger very tightly as if he was confidently counting on me to guide him through this new world. It was quite a spiritual and soul-changing experience…very hard to explain. My life changed immediately and all I wanted to do was be there for my son 100 percent of the time.”

It was this profound experience that set Mr. Salako on the path towards financial freedom and multiple streams of income through entrepreneurship in order to spend more time with his family. An expert in the Information Technology industry, he followed his passions and founded Optimal Business Systems, a provider of business software solutions and services. His children are also quite active in his life’s pursuits and have achieved many dreams together. His middle son, Tobi, built his first website at six years old.

“Life is about creating quality and happy memories together,” Mr. Salako had added. “In old age, fathers should be able to reflect and recall these happy memories. It creates a lasting impression on the lives of their children and future family generations.”

More fathers need to know the importance of spending quality time with their children. We all need to set examples for our future generations.